The improbable rendez-vous of the 80's original electronic components from the cold war running together, animates the beating heart of Laika clock collection, and honors the sole rendez-vous of Laika dog with space, in November 3, 1957.
25 numeroted artworks.
Local time displayed on the first line.
Current date and geographic coordinates of the artwork (latitude, longitude, altitude) successively displayed on the second line.
Live animated neon rings at corners indicate second units, tens, and number of detected satellites.
Time, date and geographic coordinates automatically adjusted by satellites to provide absolute accuracy.
Automatic or manual settings.
Neon bulbs and glass tube displays.
Electronics designed with components from the 80's till today.
750mm (L), 650mm (H), 50mm (D)
48.0 lbs / 21.8 kg